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Thread: Email templates

  1. #1

    Email templates


    I simulated action for sending PHP emails form to account and users for various actions.
    But It seems that the emails that are sended are not corresponding to the templates I have in admin pannel.

    Does someone knows where can I found templates for E-mail of my website in folders and edit them ?

    Also, how could I change logo in the header and footer sections of e-mails ?

    Best regardss !!

  2. #2
    Flynax developer Rudi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Planet Earth

    What exactly are these emails ?
    all email templates exist in Common > Email Tempaltes (you'd better create a ticket if you still have difficulties )

    in fact, email templates use the same logo from templates > img > logo.png

    if you need to change html structure of email template you should modify html_email_source.html in templates > tpl

  3. #3
    Thank you so much Rudi, I finally figured out the corresponding E-mails templates from admin panel.
    I have also tried to edit html_email_source.html and it works well

    Best regards !!

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