Hello there,

I've found other one problem which also can remove all files/folders in the "files" directory.
It's actual for users who have software which was upgraded from 4.6.0 (or older) to 4.8.0 and newer.
Scenario of reproducing the problem:
- install Flynax 4.6.0 version or older
- create 2 accounts "test1" and "test2"
- import or create listings with images and assign them to "test1" account
- upload a thumbnail for user "test2"
- upgrade the software to latest version
- go to AP and remove account "test2"

After this operation system will tried to remove account thumbnail, but it have wrong old format.
Now we've added the condition which will prevent all similar problems and removing data from webserver.

1. Please find and open following file: includes/classes/admin/rlAdmin.class.php
Find following code:

Only registered members can view the code.
And replace it to follow:

Only registered members can view the code.
2. Find and open file: includes/classes/reefless.class.php

Find following function deleteDirectory()

Only registered members can view the code.
And replace to follow:

Only registered members can view the code.