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Thread: Version 4.7.1: Script creates hundreds of incomplete listings everyday.

  1. #1

    Exclamation Version 4.7.1: Script creates hundreds of incomplete listings everyday.


    I reported this bug in ticket ID: CRG-221620 on May 24, but I haven't received a solution for it yet.

    The script is creating incomplete listings everyday for the Account_ID "-1". This account ID doesn't exist in my database.

    I have enabled "Captcha on the Post an Ad page" and disabled "Adding listings without signing up", but those settings didn't stop this issue.

    The cron job sends me every day the number of incomplete listings and that is alarming!... every day the script is creating hundreds of incomplete listings and, by the way, those listings don't even appear in the Admin Panel under the Listings page. I only see them using this query in the Admin Panel: "SELECT * FROM `fl_listings` WHERE `Status` like 'incom%'"

    Any help to stop this issue will be appreciated!


  2. #2
    Flynax developer Rudi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Planet Earth
    Hello Ivan,

    Actually it's not a bug as it's was mentioned in the ticket

    listings are always created when someone selects a category (1 empty listing per session)

    it's used for quick access to listing data and once user authorizes or signs up the system assigns account id to listing

    you'd better disable "Adding listings without signing up" in Common > Basic Settings > Listings to prevent creating empty listings

  3. #3
    Hello Rudi,

    I understand that listings are always created when someone selects a category. And that's why I have disabled "Adding listings without signing up" from the beginning and that doesn't stop this issue.

    I don't know what else to do to stop this.

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