Quote Originally Posted by Joe Can View Post

For me, I believe writing substantially improves SEO.
Because you can work directly inside of your current classified site and post directly into the related categories you do not need to worry about any of the categories etc.

For the bit above, both yes and no.

(for the record I have been bagged here because some people seemed to think I knew nothing about anything, so take it for what you will) all I will say is I am getting keyword phrases to rank and building my on-page and site metrics, is it perfect yet? no, will it be yes? but I can see I have been very big into learning this for years now and have written and use my own keyword tools for this purpose.

So what I have found is > for most people they think if they write content that the organic traffic will flow in the door. Probably so far from the truth it is not funny.

I see people set out and just write any crap and shove it up, and I see these same people repeat that process daily for hours, weeks, months, years and then they ask why is nothing happening?

They said if I write content it will come?

These people as above just write any crap without any real research into their content, first, most of the content is thin, in that it is only 300 words or similar and is just at best jibberish rubbish, combined with a lack of structure to the article.

What happens here is that first giggle will probably never rank that article of sorts ever, and even if it did see the light of day and giggle placed it in the search results it soon would fall out as giggle would see I high bounce rate when people land on the page pushing it back down the ladder and never to bee seen again. Google wants to deliver content people want to read no jibberish crap.

The same applies to long jibberish in short if it's just jibberish crap regardless of length it's not going to make it and probably most people do this, they hear the words post content and think then ok let's go and they just waste their time.

The better approach is to do keyword research into the topic and to find keyword phrases that have 2 things, low competition and low strength of competition, you need them both and one you have that information you then need to write a better article than any other article on that keyword phrase or as best you can, and if possible aim for a decent size article.

Yes, those things above are easy once you know how and where to do them.

The really cool thing is this will also work with a very small amount of words in that I also have my "claim this listings" working on the same setup, meaning I am starting to rank those listings as well as articles.

+ where possible always after producing content share it on your social channels to help drive some traffic back

Just too many things to cover here but yes adding content is great, just learn to do it correct.