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Thread: Banner Name Changes & Not Editable

  1. #1

    Banner Name Changes & Not Editable

    Minor Issue, but I'll still report it. If someone doesn't, you may never fix

    1) I made 3 new banners for Google Adsense * left side * right side * bottom
    2) I named them describing area like above. i.e. Google Adsense - Left Side Banner
    3) I noticed that my left side name turned into my right side name. Basically duplicate names. So I had two saying right side but they were performing fine.
    4) I tried to edit and rename back to left side, but when you save, it ignores. I decided to just delete it and make a new one.
    5) I created a new one and named if for the left side. Returning to the screen banner list, I now see two with duplicate names again. This time for the left. And, editing name still doesn't take effect.

    This does not seem to have any effect on performance and it even has a column that describes what area and that stays correctly the same, so this seems very low priority.


  2. #2

    Re: Banner Name Changes & Not Editable

    I think I figured out the duplicate problem! The Key value for those two banners were the same because I used a name describing size of ad which were the same on each side and not the same as footer. Maybe there should be some type of error check for that?

    But you still can not edit the name value. If you are not allowed, maybe an error msg that states you can not change that field or gray it out when editing?

    Just a users point of view.

  3. #3
    Flynax developer John's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Re: Banner Name Changes & Not Editable

    Hello Christina,
    You are right we should review Add Banners process checking, we will update the plugin and update this post.
    Thanks for notice.

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