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Thread: Advance Search for Price Range, Start value from?

  1. #1
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Advance Search for Price Range, Start value from?

    Price has two fields
    Starting range = Start value
    Ending range = End value

    When user do not enter the starting range or start value, it will not work well

    Both fields need to be added for it to work

    This mean you need to specify
    Start value = 0 and cannot leave it as From

    Can we make "From" = "0" because not all users have the habit of entering 0

    They will just key in the upper value as they are looking for someone not more than USD1,000

  2. #2
    +1 on this. In fact, if possible, I'd like to make the min/max fields come up as dropdowns with numerical values in them (like in www.realestate.com.au - good example) - Even in this case though, if minimum is not chosen, Flynax script should assume it is zero (or start it at a default value of 0).

    Any staff member reading this, can the above be done?


  3. #3
    Flynax developer John's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Hello Hemal,
    Regarding your first post, I checked this problem in working version and it works properly for me,
    from changed to 0 automatically, the same as to changed to MAX possible value.

    Regarding your second post, we are planning to develop "improved refine search" plugin, which will allow you
    to modify search fields layout.


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