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Thread: Accounttyp bug ( in my opinion )

  1. #1

    Accounttyp bug ( in my opinion )

    i got

    accounttyp "A"

    Allow users to add listings to "Jobs". YES
    Allow users to add listings to "cars". NO

    the accounttyp "A" is created and in use

    now i add a new listingtype "freehuggs"

    accounttyp "A" is automaticly allowed to post ad's in "freehuggs"

    is that willingly so ?

  2. #2
    Hello Mustafa,

    Yes you are right when you create new listing type the system allow this type for all account types. And if you want you can disable it manually through Account types into admin panel.
    Flynax technical department,
    Best wishes.

  3. #3
    my thought was that account types are mostly for sorting the accounts and there post rights.

    so i made a account type for real estate every time i put a new account type in the system i have to go to all account types and deactivate it ? not nice

    it would be a good idea to put a choice in the form like ... do you want to activate this new post type for all account types == little checkbox * Yes i do *

    or better one

    you could choose wich account types could get the new post type ... that would be the xtreme choice


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