Hello, I have this working on one site, Version 4.5.2 but I just installed a fresh new site Version 4.6.1 and I forgot how to make this work

Added an Account Type (FSBO) For Sale By Owner, (and Dealer for 2, 3)

Added Listing Package 1 - 5, checked Visitor, Buyer, FSBO.

Added an Account Type Dealer,

Added Membership Plan 1 - 5, Checked Dealer.

When I log in as FSBO account and try to add a listing, I get an error "No plans for selected category", The categories are "Sticky" checked.

When I Sign in as a Dealer account and try to add a listing, I get the 2 Packages (2, 3) that are supposed to be for FSBO, NO Membership Plans. This is simple to fix, just lost now.

Thank you