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Thread: Flynax itself eating more and more bandwidth

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Flynax itself eating more and more bandwidth

    I am a user of Flynax classifieds, i just implented the new flynax classifieds script for my website, In my previous old website my bandwidth never increses a lot say for an example: i have 10 gb limit of bandwidth for my previous website ( not flynax classifieds) after installing flynax classifieds i updated with 50 gb bandwidth but now within 20 days almost 40 bg of bandwidth eaten, (now again i need an additional update of bandwidth for additional usage)i just added featured box with a limit of 5 ads in scrol. I find this with a little calculation

    my website Per page size is 174 kb, demo is 87 kb, (approx default setup with featured ad blocks )a user need at least 10 pages to post an ad this results with 174 x 10 = 1740kb (approx 2mb)and after this if browse more pages then again it will be calculated with 2 mb.

    the page load time and size details given here for my an flynax classifieds website

    http://tools.pingdom.com/?url=http://de ... &save=true

    http://tools.pingdom.com/?url=classicsa ... &save=true

    so if a visitor browses 50 pages then it will 10 mb,
    normally an website should have below 50 kb of total size to reduce unwanted bandwidth usage.

    1 visitor x 50 pages = 10 mb
    200 visitors(per day approximately) x 30 pages(average) = 17000 mb (2 gb approx) per day bandwidth usage

    The speed of the website is Total loading time: 9.9 seconds (my website)
    The speed of the website is Total loading time: 8.7 seconds (demo flynax website)
    but most of website loads in within 2 seconds

    I also reported the bandwidth exceed problem to support in ticket but still now not rectified.

    Thank you


  2. #2
    Flynax developer John's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Re: Flynax itself eating more and more bandwidth

    Hello Din,
    Thank you for detailed explanation of the issue.
    I have read your post and see that you did not mention about browser type and cache conception at whole. For example:

    Flynax General Classifieds demo: http://demos.flynax.com/general/
    Loading test
    Browser: IE8
    Without cache loading: 4.8 seconds
    With cache loading: ~2 seconds

    Browser: Safari 4
    Without cache loading: 5.2 seconds
    With cache loading: 2.1 seconds

    So each browser use cache, to avoid the loading of the same data, each time page is loading.
    Also regarding traffic, there are two traffic types, server traffic and visitor traffic,
    so the visitor traffic is not interesting for you if you wish to decrease your bandwidth.

    Your website has many content and http request, that is why your online test show you such big numbers, also I have tested your website loading and it takes ~2 seconds to load any page.

    Our tech will review your ticket and try to solve the issue with bandwidth.
    Thanks and have a good day.


  3. #3
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Re: Flynax itself eating more and more bandwidth

    What I mentioned here is after calculating the bandwidth size in my web logs. so in my next post i will explain with clear screen shots

    Thank you for your response but still 5 days over, support didn't contact me. i made a ticket (critical case) before 5 days and reminding them daily.

  4. #4
    Flynax developer John's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Re: Flynax itself eating more and more bandwidth

    Hello Din,
    Support work on your request, please be patient, they will contact you shortly.

  5. #5

    Re: Flynax itself eating more and more bandwidth

    Perhaps the very generic setting to allow proper use of .png images and its related script in IE cause the script as used in Flynax uses tons of band-width. There are less 'consuming' methods to allow IE to see .png .

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