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Thread: SMTP not doing anything

  1. #1

    SMTP not doing anything

    Hi all,

    I have setup SMTP to handle emails because phpmail emails are blacklisted in some cases.

    I read all the threads on this forum regarding the SMTP config, but no luck.

    SMTP server:port: smtp.gmail.com:465
    SMTP server username: <<complete gmail account>>
    SMTP server password: <<my gmail account password>>
    SMTP secure protocol: SSL

    It accepts it, but then nothing happens with the emails. Nothing in, nothing out.

    Even if I put wrong password it still accepts and saves it.

    Any ideas?

  2. #2
    Ok, it is needed to create an APP password.


  3. #3
    However still a bit confused...

    I want to use gmail, but of course I also want the website to send and recieve emails using own domain.

    I have setup the SMTP with the gmail account and it works.

    But, if I send a message with contact form or modify a listing, it does nothing. Probably related to the emails addresses I have put in the Site email field and bug reports email field. The emails I have setup in these fields are redirected to my gmail account in my server.

  4. #4
    Flynax developer Rudi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Planet Earth

    Maybe there are some restrictions on sending emails from gmail address

    it would be best if you asked for their support on how smtp can be configured for php applications

  5. #5
    Just for reference, if this helps anyone, if you want to use gmail as main mail manager, it is needed to do 2 things:

    1. Settings > Accounts and Import > Send mail as:

    Add new email address here and connect via SMTP to your email account from your hosting provider.

    2. Settings > Accounts and Import > Check email from other accouts:

    Again add the email address from your hosting provider.

    Setting 1 allows to send emails using your own domain.
    Setting 2 allows to read the emails received in your hosting account.

    Of course you can also play with some settings, like delete emails from your hosting after importing to gmail, etc.
    Last edited by daniel7; June 7, 2022 at 01:12 PM.

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