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Thread: impossible to show banners on particular category it shows in all pages bug

  1. #1

    impossible to show banners on particular category it shows in all pages bug

    I Have create a ticket on this asked me to describe with screen shoots i don't know how to describe this with screenshots ticket ID is RFD-258506


    if i tick "apartment" category and its "View Details " page


    "vehicles" category and its "View Details " page

    i can see two banners on "View Details" page even on "Real Estate" category page "View Details" pages (impossible to target relevant audience)

    "apartment" is different category "vehicles" is different category

    Banner should show on "View Details" page belongs to "apartments" category listings only

    and "View Details" page belongs to "vehicles" category listings only then only possible to make the use of banner plugin

    now its impossible to show target ads to its relevant audience on "view details " page its just like a static page impossible to make the use of those ad listings contents of different categories, please fix this issue

  2. #2
    Flynax developer Rudi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Planet Earth

    Unfortunately, it's not possible so you can close the ticket

    the view details page is a common page for all categories and listing types

    but you can apply a solution from this thread that will allow you to separate boxes on the details page by categories: https://forum.flynax.com/showthread....highlight=loan

  3. #3
    i have tried that but it mixing all front end categories and sub categories . Eg if you go to Electronics -> phones it shows "Televisions" category ads as well in "phone " category , ad datils content is very important, for a classified website

  4. #4
    Yup I was also aware of this issue, and still waiting for a solution. Not be able to show a banner at the right page is frustrating. I really hope Flynax would fix this issue.

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