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Thread: Offline payments, qr code

  1. #1

    Offline payments, qr code

    I have this code inside /plugins/bankWireTransfer/form.tpl

    Only registered members can view the code.

    Im trying to take the {$txn_info.Item}, {$txn_info.Total} and {$payment_details.content}
    But it won't let me use any of it.

    When I use "$txn_info.Item" on the message it just say "Item" instead of the "Order key HKG2M2ZH-D488 (#487)"

    Only registered members can view the code.
    How come and how to solve it?
    Last edited by Peter Jonsson; August 30, 2022 at 08:47 PM.
    Classifieds Site: Annonssida
    Other Site: SEO

  2. #2
    Flynax developer Rudi's Avatar
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    Dec 2014
    Planet Earth

    In what file do you use this code?

  3. #3
    I have this code inside /plugins/bankWireTransfer/form.tpl
    Classifieds Site: Annonssida
    Other Site: SEO

  4. #4
    Flynax developer Rudi's Avatar
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    Planet Earth
    It will require some time and more details to find a solution for your case

  5. #5

    I just need these information so that the payment can create a QR code, so the buyer will just scan the QR code and it will fill in the payment information in the app.

    How come I can't take that information?
    That information is right above the QR code in the same tpl file :/
    Classifieds Site: Annonssida
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  6. #6
    Senior Member
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    Nov 2021
    QR code generation is a very great thing now!
    But in order for this to work correctly and all the data to fall into place, for this, the appropriate lines must be filled in, identifiers, amount, bank name, account number, etc. Which is not in this plugin, but probably it would not be bad or a separate solution for such payments. I think the Flynax team will think about it))))

  7. #7
    I don’t know any other payment that uses QR code for payment than Swedish payment, swish
    Classifieds Site: Annonssida
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  8. #8
    Senior Member
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    Nov 2021
    There are actually a lot of them! In almost any country, this type of payment is used one way or another!
    Look in thailand and other countries

  9. #9
    ok, nice! Didn't know about that
    Classifieds Site: Annonssida
    Other Site: SEO

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