Is there an option to include a one-click email unsubscribe link in search alerts, or other emails sent through the site.

For example, I love the idea of adding search alerts to my site. My visitors have asked for this feature for a while, so it's great that flynax includes this feature. But I want to be careful that I don't get emails sent from the site labeled as spam.

I'm afraid some visitors may create a search alert, and then later when they are no longer interested, might not go through the process of logging into the site to remove the alert.

I imagine each search alert set has an id number., so it would be nice if the search alert could include a one-click unsubscribe at the bottom such as <click here to unsubscribe - cancel this search email alert> That way if someone reading their email later on wants to unsubscribe, hopefully they click that instead of hitting the spam or junk mail button!