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Thread: Translating the description of the listings

  1. #1

    Translating the description of the listings

    Hey, everybody. There are some difficulties. Please help. In the new version of the script has the ability to translate the description of the listing in the background. When updating the translation of ads in the admin panel an error comes out....
    Moreover, it affects only English language (I have another language set by default). The translation is great in all languages except English. Help, please.


  2. #2
    Flynax developer Rudi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Planet Earth
    You need to create a ticket and we'll check the problem

  3. #3
    In the course of testing it turned out that this error occurs only when selecting the translator DeepL, everything works fine with Google. I hope the development team will check this information.

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