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Thread: CRITICAL FLAW: Renew upgrade feature doesn't work as it should

  1. #1

    CRITICAL FLAW: Renew upgrade feature doesn't work as it should

    ok, so I have been doing alot of searching on this forum, submit ticket, online support. And they said there is nothing wrong with it.
    I have gone through with flynax support countless time, it's have some bugs here and there. There is no perfect software.
    I know Flynax is a good software and for that matter of fact, I just got my second license last week. And probably 3rd one soon. Since I planed to stick with it for a long time, I need to give in my thought to make it even better.

    Many of you who skim through this will not get the point and will ignore it just like me. So I will carefully explained it here.
    So we all know that Flynax has this feature button called: "Renew/upgrade listing plan". Its the third button from the left with a dollar sign in it
    Screen Shot 2013-10-15 at 9.41.40 AM.png

    This is where the flaw is and many of us probably didn't even know it exist.
    This button doesn't work as it advertised: "renew/upgrade." It work as "extend/change" Look at these screenshot:
    Screen Shot 2013-10-15 at 9.32.18 AM.jpgScreen Shot 2013-10-15 at 9.32.50 AM.png

    Look at the "Active still" date, some may find this funny, yea, I click renew/upgrade multiple times and know my listing can live until August 23 2015 with a 30-day plan while original posting date is Sept 23 2013, that is around 2 year long for a 30days plan.

    The renew/upgrade feature extend the live of the listing, but it doesn't renew your listing.

    Let me give you a simple example
    Say you paid 2 dollar to post a listing to sell a house for $500k in July 2013 using a 3-month plan. After 2 months, you still haven't sold the house. So you lower the price to $400k and decided to "renew/upgrade" your listing, thinking to make your listing fresh, new, and it would bump to the top so many people can see it. You are wrong.

    It would only extend your listing live, it does not "renew" your listing by any mean. Now this doesn't make any sense to me.
    You pay money to "renew" your listing, but it is still a 2 months old listing. Check my screenshot, after many "renew/upgrade" using 30-day plan just 15 minutes ago, I have it active till August 23 2015, while it is still show as Sept 23 2013, a one month old listings

    So when people check the categories, they only see the new post, while yours listing is buried to some 10-20 pages, even though you are still actively selling your house and just reduced your price. Even if people reached the bottom of the list and found your listing. What would they think it they see the old date.

    Would you pay to renew your listing, knowing it still an old old listing after all.

    I consider this is a critical flaw, and flynax dev should change this to 4.1 and in the upcoming version.

    Make the renew/upgrade feature renew the posting date, and add the listing live after that date.
    For example, using this screenshot.
    Screen Shot 2013-10-15 at 9.32.50 AM.png
    When I choose renew/upgrade with the very same 30-day plan, it should change the post date from 09.23.2013 to today which is 10.15.2013, and the "Active still" from 08.23.2015 to 30 days after today, which is 11.14.2013.

    Please read and give me your thought. I probably need to "renew" this thread, bump it to the top every now and then so Flynax Dev can see it.

  2. #2
    I think over the last few weeks a few have come on the forum and mentioned this but classed it and complained that its a bug. Flynax have probably wrote the script as it is.

    You have done the right thing here and gave a detailed description for a positive change. For people to review and postsuggestions.

    I agree with the issue, i dont see it as critical but see it as a good change/improvement that flynax should consider for future versions of the script.

    For me personally i would like to see the date updated when listing is renewed.
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  3. #3
    Hi Chris,
    Thanks for the comment.
    Would you agree that its awkward for the renew/upgrade feature to extend the live of the listing, in my case i have extend it for another 2 years using 30-day plan, instead of renew the listing: refreshing the post date. Would you rather go through all of the process to repost the very same listing again instead of renewing it. Just so that it could be at the top again.
    Last edited by Wei Hong; October 15, 2013 at 09:29 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Hi Chris,

    I can not agree with you there.
    For me is this a bug and it will always be, because renew = renew and it does not renew.

    But since we come here upon deaf ears...


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    This is nothing new, I raised this issue a while back as a fault and some did not see it as that, although I agree with you it should do as you state. For that reason I had my site modified to do exactly what your talking about, this mod some say should be how it should work, but rather than worry about who says what I just paid to have it work how I wanted to, from memory viktor done this for me, I will try and find and link the thread here for you.

    Last edited by Pete Young; October 16, 2013 at 01:22 AM.
    Getting Started or Starting Over with Your Classified Site? then Get Ready Set Fly V 4.7.1 > quietSecrets.net

  6. #6
    Hi Pete.
    I didn't see your post earlier because it wasn't renewed and buried deep down in this forum. Wish I saw it earlier. I will correct this by renew this thread more often then.

    So you have to pay to get flynax to fix this bug? Like Steffen has stated, renew = renew. Flynax should accept this as a bug and fix it.
    Otherwise, I will have no choice but to pay to have it fixed. Because this is a basic, core feature, all information software even this vbulletin flynax forum has it, to renew posting. I'm posting this post to renew this thread so you and many other can read it.

    I'm waiting for words from developers. Let me know if you want my money to fix this bug. I have spent over $1000 for flynax license. I'm also contacting flynax for custom modification of rating and comment. But to be honest, I don't think this bug worth paying for, because it's a bug. It make no sense at all.

    New customers or those who havent aware of this problem should read this thread and think about it.

  7. #7
    Flynax developer John's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Hi Guys,
    I see you have fierce discussion here, let me take a part in it...
    So main question is: why the listing posting date remains the same after renew?
    I can explain why, firstly: the Renew/Update option relates to the listing plan and not the listing itself,
    you can easily check it by putting the mouse cursor on the icon.
    Secondly: The listing date remains the same because the seller sells the same house
    and nothing changed there. Visitors who already saw this house will not check it again because they
    don't want it.

    I just explain you our concept but if you want to change the logic just apply the following changes
    or contact our support and they will do changes for free fro you:
    1. Open the file: /includes/classes/rlListings.class.php
    2. Find the code (line ~2775):
    Only registered members can view the code.
    3. Replace with the cod:
    Only registered members can view the code.
    4. You should find the same code statement a bit bellow, right after code line:
    Only registered members can view the code.
    do the same changes there.
    5. Open the file: /includes/controllers/upgrade_listing.inc.php
    6. Find the code (line~ 366):
    Only registered members can view the code.
    7. Replace with the code:
    Only registered members can view the code.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by John View Post
    Hi Guys,
    I see you have fierce discussion here, let me take a part in it...
    So main question is: why the listing posting date remains the same after renew?
    I can explain why, firstly: the Renew/Update option relates to the listing plan and not the listing itself,
    you can easily check it by putting the mouse cursor on the icon.
    Secondly: The listing date remains the same because the seller sells the same house
    and nothing changed there. Visitors who already saw this house will not check it again because they
    don't want it.
    Hi John,
    I wish every flynax supporter would have the same behavior as you. To read and put effort to correct. We are here trying to make your script better. Regarding your concept, in my opinion. Firstly, if the renew/update option relates to the listing plan only, but not the listing itself, then its all ready ruined the basic concept of that very listing plan. As I mentioned in my screenshot in the 1st post. This renew/update option extend the live of the listing to 2 years or even more years using a 30-day listing plan. How does that sound to customers? The listing plan is not renewed, it is added on top of every each of the time customer use the renew option. If it is renewed, then it will go back to our very first problem that we are discussing, the listing posting date. If the plan is renewed, it should be renewed as a new listing plan with the very same duration, in my case, 30 days, not to add them all up.

    I also mentioned in my example in this thread 1st post. The seller couldn't sell the house after 2 months, so he reduced the price from 500k to 400k. There is change there, even if there is not. When renew the listing plan, the listing should bump to top to show other people that this very seller is still actively selling this house, not some guys who post and ignore. And it also encourage this seller to pay to renew/update plan.

    Think about this, for the very same scenario, if you can't sell the house in two months, and you want to catch people attention again by reducing price, add more furniture, offer extra financing, what will you do? You can edit all of those info of course, and renew the very same listing, bump it to the top so people can see it.

    Or would you post a new listing to sell the very same house, just to bump it to the top, so people can see it, and to prove that you are still actively selling this very same house.

    Thank you for taking the time reading this thread and working with us. I will try to apply your suggestion and give you my feedback.

  9. #9
    As I see it, if you would like to renew your listing, then it would be on top again but, as Sweden's largest classified site does it: a strike through line in the old price or an arrow pointing down, indicated that something has changed - text, images or whatever, to make the listing sell again.

    Last edited by Morgan Bohman; October 16, 2013 at 05:11 AM. Reason: The board doesn't still allowing foreign letters.
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  10. #10
    Flynax developer John's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Hi Wei Hong,
    ok I got you, we will take into account your suggestion working on new version of the software, thanks!


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