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Thread: Version 4.10: Meta tags not working as they should

  1. #1

    Version 4.10: Meta tags not working as they should

    Hey, you should really set the forum so you can show UTF8 characters. I had to edit this 5 times before I understood what's happening.

    PHP Code:
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    Title is OK, name is not OK and description which is done and set from the category setup together with keywords doesn't work.
    This sample is from Books/Non-Fiction.

    In this case we loose a lot of seo traffic.

    Any thoughts?

    Last edited by Morgan Bohman; August 23, 2012 at 12:18 PM.
    Free Advertising at Fyndklippet.se

  2. #2
    Hello Morgan,

    If you want to see meta keywords and meta description you should go to Admin Panel >> Pages then click on edit icon and fill fields for all languages and then you will see text in meta.
    Flynax technical department,
    Best wishes.

  3. #3
    Hi Vik,
    Yes I know and that works great for english languages but not for swedish as when choosing "description" or any other field in the drop down, when I press the green button, it won't tranfer the {description} tag into the field. I have to copy this manually now. Maybe there's something wierd as when you choose english you get the swedish tag so maybe there' a connection between {description} and SE {beskrivning} missing. Remember I have swedish in my admin panel.

    Anyway I file a ticket for this.

    It is more urgent with the upload of images problem right now.

    Free Advertising at Fyndklippet.se

  4. #4
    Hello Morgan,

    Yes I know and that works great for english languages but not for swedish as when choosing "description" or any other field in the drop down, when I press the green button, it won't tranfer the {description} tag into the field. I have to copy this manually now. Maybe there's something wierd as when you choose english you get the swedish tag so maybe there' a connection between {description} and SE {beskrivning} missing. Remember I have swedish in my admin panel.
    I have checked it and it works good for me with meta and with green button. Please check it again,

    It is more urgent with the upload of images problem right now.
    Do you mean upload on add listing or where? What browser do you use.
    Flynax technical department,
    Best wishes.

  5. #5
    I have added a ticket for this, I use Safari but the problem also exists in Chrome. When coming to the step that you should upload images to your new listing, it starts to count up the number of available images just like a byte count. No progress bar is visable and it never stops. I have a customer right now, trying to add images but is not succeeding.
    You can skip add images and goto your account, My Listings and from there add images - there it is working as it should. I have filed a ticket -URGENT- Critical- and Mike is dealing with it I hope so it will not remain during the weekend because then I am smooked.

    Maybe Mike fixed the tag issue?
    Free Advertising at Fyndklippet.se

  6. #6
    Hello Morgan,

    Yes Mike fixed it already. Please check and we can fix other problems on your site.
    Flynax technical department,
    Best wishes.

  7. #7
    It's confirmed as fixed and ticket closed. How is your little customization to my site going? Have all info you need? Mail me if not.
    Free Advertising at Fyndklippet.se

  8. #8
    Flynax developer John's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Hi there,
    Quote Originally Posted by Morgan Bohman View Post
    Hi Vik,
    Yes I know and that works great for english languages but not for swedish as when choosing "description" or any other field in the drop down, when I press the green button, it won't tranfer the {description} tag into the field. I have to copy this manually now. Maybe there's something wierd as when you choose english you get the swedish tag so maybe there' a connection between {description} and SE {beskrivning} missing. Remember I have swedish in my admin panel.
    This bug has been fixed in 4.2 version which will be released Oct. 25


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