Quote Originally Posted by Mike F. View Post
hmm yes sorry, it will remove step after you selected category.. do you have video enabled for any listing type?

You can solve it like below if its ok to remove video step anywhere

add just after your copyrights

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if you have several add listing pages for different listing types you can add condition to remove video step only for some pages

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of course instead of my_jobs use right page key (not path, if you want to use path in condition you can change $page_info['Key'] to $page_info['Path'] )

Seems its not critical thing, but anyway we will take it into consideration and i think improve it in one of next versions.

Let me know if you still have problems
unset($steps['video']); is working ok (thanks) and this brings me to another issue with flynax script

let's say that we have just 1 plan. that plan is active by default (as it should), but, even if is only one, we still see it when making a listing. This should not work like this. If we have 2+ plans, makes sense to show the plans so that the user can chose the one he needs. But, if only one is available, what's the point of showing it? Just to present users countless steps wich is discouraging for them?

so i tried to use unset($steps['plan']); and when it reaches the plans steps the process is stopped with a 403 Forbidden error

a solutin to this so we can skip the plans steps when we have just 1? thanks