Hello Pragash,
Quote Originally Posted by Pragash Jayaraman View Post
1. Need to have 3 column categories on homepage.
(I referred the manual
Number of columns — sets a number of category columns in a category box on a listing type page. )
It doesn't work for flatty template.
Yes, some columns settings may not work for flatty templates because design allow to use only
certain number of columns. But you can change the columns on the home page like this:

1. open styles.css file from the template and found this style (line~ 3984):
.sub-categories-exist div.categoty-column
2. inside this style, change columns from 2 to 3.

Quote Originally Posted by Pragash Jayaraman View Post
2. Need to have header like http://auto.demoflynax.com/ for general flatty template.
( Logo ---- Advertising Space --- Account Details)
To remove the banner space you just need to remove the following code from file: /tpl/content.tpl
PHP Code:
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It requires much changes to make the banner space like on auto script, in general you need to remove the banner
code from content.tpl file (see above how to do it) and copy similar banner code from auto_flatty template.
1. copy the code from auto flatty header.tpl to your template header:
PHP Code:
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2. copy file blocks/header_banner.tpl from auto flatty to your template
3. copy all related styles (search for banner) from auto flatty styles.css to your style.css

Feel free to contact out support if you have any problems.