Seller Reviews/Rating

The Seller Reviews/Rating plugin allows users on your site to rate sellers and leave their reviews about the quality of products offered by sellers, level of service associated with the product sale, and handling of the shipping process, including such aspects as response time, timely delivery, refund policy, etc. Ratings and reviews submitted by users may also refer to the quality and integrity of the product package and the completeness and adequacy of the product description.

Reviews and ratings, which users leave, have a direct impact on the building of trust of customers and their willingness to buy products marketed by the seller. Customers tend to choose the products sold by top-rated sellers with positive reviews, rather than those whose ratings may be indicative of the poor quality of the products or service.

This Plugin creates an atmosphere of healthy competition on the site and can be useful for both sellers, who can receive feedback from users and improve the quality of their products and services respectively, and buyers, who can share their opinions in reviews with other users and make their own purchasing decisions, based on reviews and ratings submitted by other users.

How it works

The Seller Reviews/Rating plugin is quite intuitive. It takes less than a minute to complete the installation and configuration. Once you set up the Plugin from the back end of your site, every seller's profile will get an extra link under the logo - Leave Review. Users will be able to give a certain number of stars to rate sellers and leave their reviews about the sellers and their products. To do so, they will need to fill in a corresponding review form that is displayed after clicking the Leave Review button in the seller’s contact details box.

Back end

Once installed, the Plugin adds a simple manager to the back end that you can use to manage reviews left by users in the front end: approve/disapprove, edit, and delete reviews.

Configuring the Plugin from the Basic Settings section allows you to:

  • Prevent unlogged users from viewing or adding reviews,
  • Set a number of reviews per page,
  • Enable the option of showing hours and minutes in reviews,
  • Set a maximum review length,
  • Enable sending email notifications to sellers,
  • Enable captcha,
  • Enable auto-approval of reviews,
  • Enable rating,
  • Set a number of stars in the rating.

Front end

Every user, whether he bought something on the site or not, may leave his review about the seller, and everything he offers. The user may rate the seller by giving a certain number of stars that best reflects the quality of the seller’s products and service provided. The seller rating is an average of all the ratings that users give to the seller.

A user can leave his review by clicking the Leave Review button in the seller’s contact details box available on the Listing Details page. The Leave Review form contains a few fields the user needs to fill in - name, title, and description. It also allows the user to rate the seller. The seller’s rating is displayed in the seller’s contact box on the seller page, the page with the seller’s listings, and the pages with the seller’s chats with other users.

The Seller Reviews/Rating plugin can be a great addition to any classified ads site as it can help users to select only the best products based on ratings and reviews submitted by other users, and sellers to maintain and improve the quality of their products and the level of customer satisfaction to be able to compete with other sellers.

You have to log in to view installation instructions.

Jun 09, 2022
  • An ability to filter reviews by rating added
  • An ability to limit the number of reviews to one from a user added
May 12, 2022
  • Initial release
    No plugin reviews yet.